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Topaz & Sapphire Achievement Overview

This page provides an overview of the achievements available at the Topaz & Sapphire elementary levels.

Modules & Badges

Topaz and Sapphire girls will regularly rotate through nine modules over the course of three years. These nine modules mirror the core competencies taught and evaluated in the core badges of the Emerald- Diamond sequence.

Year 2 Week Module 3 Week Module 3 Week Module
1 First Aid Family & Home Outdoor Explorer
2 Common Cents Cooking & Nutrition Aquatics & Safety
3 Good Citizen Fitness & Health Living Weather & Emergency Preparedness

Camping & Outdoor Skills: 2 weeks annually

Compared to badges, modules are somewhat shorter with an emphasis on breadth rather than depth. Modules are designed as structured curriculum of weeks, as opposed to a list of required items that could be arranged in several different ways for instruction. This allows a variety of interesting topics for the girls while maintaining a manageable planning task for the leaders. Modules are further discussed on the blog.

Camping & Outdoor Skills

Camping and outdoor skills will be the focus of one meeting per semester before the corresponding family camp. While skills are helpful for those camping, the topics are designed to be interesting to girls not attending the camp as well. Examples could include fire safety, basic knot tying, packing for camp, soap carving (age-appropriate knife safety), etc.


Year Fall Activity Spring Activity
Topaz: Kindergarten Hiking Safety & Skills Camping Skills (roll sleeping bag)
Topaz: 1st Grade Fire Safety & Skills Compass & Map Skills
Topaz: 2nd Grade Basic Knots Basic Knife Safety & Use


Year Fall Activity Spring Activity
Sapphire: 3rd Grade Hiking Safety & Skills Camping Skills (pitch tent)
Sapphire: 4th Grade Fire Safety & Building Orienteering
Sapphire: 5th Grade Advanced Knots Knife Safety & Use

Elective Badges

Two elective badges, prepared by Shepherd’s Girls, are also completed annually as a unit. These will range in topic and are intended to provide girls with a chance to explore a couple varied topics each year in greater depth. These topics are driven by leader skills and girl interests.

Girls have the opportunity to pursue their other interests by working on additional elective badges at home.

Faith & Discipleship

To nurture the development of Godly character, we have developed a Faith & Discipleship award that integrates Christian disciplines and devotional teachings covering a range of topics.

Year Annual (Fall) 2 Year Rotation (Fall) 3 Year Rotation (Spring)
1 Gospel Christian Disciplines Fruit of the Spirit
2 Gospel The Bible Attributes of God
3 Gospel continue rotating Armor of God

Our approach involves an annual review of the gospel message. In alternating years, we will dive into Christian disciplines or explore ways to deepen our understanding of God's Word - the Bible. Additionally, on a three-year rotation, we'll delve into subjects like the fruit of the Spirit, the attributes of God, or the armor of God.

Ruby Award

Ruby Award ImageTopaz and Sapphire girls have a wonderful opportunity to earn the Ruby Award, an annual award that shows they’ve participated in the various aspects of the Shepherd’s Girls ministry - leadership and service, discipleship, outdoors, and life skills (badges).

As a participation based award, a girl can fully complete this award by attending and participating in Monday meetings. However, if she needs to miss a meeting here and there, we have a means of making up the discipleship and life skills that were covered in the meeting so she can remain on pace to earn this award! Girls starting later in the year will need to complete aspects at home to earn this award.

Level Award

Topaz Level Award ImageHighly motivated Topaz and Sapphire girls have the opportunity to go a step further than the Ruby Award and earn the Level Award at the end of their time at each level. Much of this award can be done in the course of meetings, but some aspects must be done at home or other Flock events. Most notably, girls are expected to attend either Flock camp(s) or Flock outdoor events, to fully realize this objective for the top award for this level. Girls starting after the beginning of their Kindergarten or 3rd grade years will also need to complete aspects at home to earn this award.

Please note that girls are not required to earn the Ruby Award (annual) or the Level Award but many will find it very achievable and rewarding to earn the Ruby Award. Promoting into the next age-level of the ministry never requires completing any award.

Worth Far Above Rubies
Flock 1210: Shepherd’s Girls is a ministry of The Shepherd’s Church of Cary, NC.
6051 Tryon Rd., Cary, NC 27518

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10 (NIV)

All rights reserved. Unless used under license, content copyright The Shepherd’s Church.
Background image “Cowee Mountain Overlook” by Ken Lane licensed under a Creative Commons license, via flickr “Sky is the Limit” by Wendelin Jacober licensed under a Creative Commons license, via flickr.